Thursday, August 13, 2009

All good things must come to an end...

Today is officially my last day and I feel....accomplished and at peace. This experience has been a whirlwind and I truly hate to see my internship come to an end but I have realized more than anything, that this internship will only be a stepping stone and push closer to my dreams. As my experience comes to a close, I would like to reflect on what has occurred and what I have gained from this experience.

I had two final evaluations done and a final meeting with both of my bosses. During our meeting I presented two proposals, program offerings and seminars that can be used for student athletes. I have to say that I was extremely proud and confident in what I had to offer and present. They were impressed and ecstatic about the work I had done and the opportunity of having particular programs at SEU. After getting past my proposals, we started to chat about my experience. As the conversation continued, I realized how much I had changed over the summer and realized that Division I athletics just might not be for me. I enjoyed working at a DII, the close relationships I made (shocking), and the numerous hats that I was able to wear. There's less red tape in DII's and enhancing your experience in numerous departments is encouraged and expected. I never thought I would say such a thing since my background is deep in DI. That's not to say that I wouldn't work for a DI but I really enjoyed the DII way of athletics.

My boss also began to ask me where I wanted to start my career. Before this internship, I always said advising would be my first career choice but now I can see myself venturing off into student services, compliance, and life skills just as long as I am still around students. These new notions have me a little uneasy, excited, nervous, and wandering about the future more than ever. As my bosses listened, they piped in with suggestions, playing the game of athletics, when to start applying for jobs(January 1, oh God)and keeping in touch with them. The job process is a little nuts, my conferences will be different to attend and it's going to be lonely since I'm the lone athletic kiddo in the cohort but I'll do what I got to do and pray that I have something in the works by May 21st. I appreciated all of their suggestions and was overwhelmed with all of the good things they said about me and how they felt like I was a full-time employee. Both bosses mentioned that they would hire me on the spot if the chance occurs in the future. Overall the meeting was a success but I have not read my evals since I'm weird about that. Now it's time to update the resume. I'll get around to it:)

This past weekend, while sick with acute sinusitis for the 3rd time this summer (somethings up),I participated in athletics orientation for men and women's soccer and volleyball. It was so exciting to see student athletes. I actually missed hearing the chatter and sport talk. I was able to present on compliance and academics and felt that my public speaking is becoming a strength, as long as I'm prepared. Furthermore, I felt so much apart of the team and was slightly embarrassed by the nice things they said about me as they presented the staff. I really am going to miss the staff more than anything and am glad they accepted me into their fold. The students seemed to listen to what I had to say since my parts focused on eligibility to play bylaws. Bylaw 14 is my friend and a hot interview question/concept I have to grasp. I think I know it like the back of my hand.

Staff Retreat
The past week, the entire department had an on campus retreat, which I went to even though I won't be here in the Fall. I really enjoyed the retreat and was tickled by the student affairs/therapy ice breakers (cough cough, balloon toss in the air game). I got to see a different light of the numerous staff members and loved how competitive simple things got. Another highlight from this retreat and my experience as a whole is that I truly fit into the athletics lifestyle. We're a weird group of people, who compare our Asics, Nike shorts and water bottles while chatting about our workouts. We live, eat, breathe, sleep, and talk about sports and that's the way I like it. I'm a sport nut but at least I'm aware of this and will make it into a career I love.

Projects Done
All my projects are done, hallelujah. I just wanted to give myself a pat on the back for that.

Little tidbits
-I have realized that I can take care of a dog. As my days in austin are almost up, I'm staying with one of my besties to give her my undivided attention, including her yorkie poo Chewy. He's adorable. I take him for walks and even let him sleep at my feet. Times are changing. Is hell freezing over?

-Grad school is almost here. I'm doing a little better about grad school after hearing from some grad school sister in laws(Ryann and Alicia). My motivation is a little up but not quite, actually lets be honest(uh oh, wheel chair Jimmy), I still have no motivation yet. I'll be better around them though.

-I sort of wish I would have taken a mini vacation of some sort this summer but then I would have freaked out with time on my hands. I think if I was refreshed, I would feel better about school but I feel ragged at the moment. Plus being sick doesn't help.

-Staff end of the year party is friday. I have no clue if I will make it. I'm exhausted. Accomplished but exhausted:(

-Why do I have to drive back to Baton Rouge? Ugh.

-Adios to: TEXAS (We're Texas, what starts here changes the world-The late Walter Conkite~ fellow Texas Ex), Longhorn football (thank god we have a strong alumni in BR and have events already set for our championship year), six lane interstates, chuy's, Mopac, right turned lanes, juan in a million, barton springs, the tower, bats, drag rats, zilker park, Snow Beach,24hour fitness,Taco C, my lovely sisters, friends, ANSC, HEB(I'm about to cry), MY FAMILY, SEU, :(:(

-How will I survive without HEB?

-I have the sweetest bosses ever and AA. They gave me such a nice going a way gift. I wasn't expecting anything and am so appreciative. AWWWWWWWWW Shucks, I got all teary eyed.

~I'll start updating my other blog in the fall. This one is officially done. So shall it be written, so shall it be done.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Final Countdown....

2 weeks and counting…..

Well the end is sort of near for me. No I can’t see the sun because once I’m done, back to the grad school grind, which I am not embracing. As I evaluate my internship experience I have realized the stronger urge and dire need to finally become a professional with my own baby office and title. I have no motivation to write any more papers, do a presentation or be meagerly paid. I also realize that in order to move forward in life, I must come back, and so I will. I have warned my parents that they may have to drag me away from Texas. We’ll see how that works.

As for the internship, it has been hectic and busy to say the least. Numerous proposal deadlines are coming up for me, while working in compliance is a top priority. I have noticed how everyday I am learning something new and becoming more knowledgeable about the world of athletics. There were two occurrences that I really believe will be extremely helpful for me in my career and have me prepared for future interviews.

Budgeting and Proposal one on one with the Athletic Director
This conversation came into place after I spoke with my boss about doing a mid-term evaluation of my work. As we began to chat, I got a better idea of the particular leadership program she wanted for sophomore athletes and her ultimate goal for me through this process. She seemed pleased about what I had completed and had to present and such approval led to her suggesting I do a proposal on a senior professional development seminar. Numerous athletic departments are doing such across the country but she was intrusting in me the keys to the car and wanted me to run with it. Not only did she want a proposal but a syllabus for both programs as well. Ok for now on I must say that I completely have reverence for professors You would think that writing a syllabus is a piece a cake and well maybe after years of doing such this would be the case but in reality for me, not so. I hated the entire process but I gained a lot as well. So I guess I loved and hated the process. You know what, let’s just say I left the office feeling crappy but I worked through it and feel that I will have more to present and offer her in the final proposals. I have to end this internship with a boom.

Another moment in our evaluation that really showed how great our relationship is, was having a conversation about how she got where she was and also having the opportunity to talk about anything that was on my mind. I picked her brain about budgets which led to an eventual budget training session, what does she look for in her job candidates, the importance of cross campus collaboration with athletics and how a top level executive (hahahhahaha, inside joke, RHOA) could stay in tune with student athletes and still juggle her numerous administrative duties. Overall I just loved the entire exchange and felt so comfortable around her. The comfort level is not because she’s a female, there’s been some chicks I could have strangled, but I really feel that we click and it’s weird to say it but I see myself in her in a lot of ways. She gives me hope that if you are respected, work hard and play the game right, I too can move up to an executive position in athletics one day.

Compliance, compliance, compliance...
I have learned so much and feel that this part of my internship is what will make or break my future interviews. It’s a strong statement but with what I have learned, struggled to grasp and been challenged with, I can say that it has all been worth it. As mentioned in my last post, my compliance boss had left for a week, I had thought and had left important compliance work for me to do. That week turned into two weeks and I must say that it was a great learning experience but frustrating as well. I do not like to wait on others to do things. I am a Capricorn, which means I freak out over having to depend on others to get things done. I eventually got over myself and worked as efficiently as I could. Once my compliance boss came back, she was highly impressed and we eventually had a sit down to chat about my final projects and go over a few things I had interest in. I learned so much and was appreciative that she was willing to ask my million dollar questions without a flinch. I also felt enlightened after our conversation and have grasped so much that I wander how I will be able to highlight such on my resume. My boss also took me for a loop without warning. As we were chatting she literally stated quizzing me on numerous compliance, academic and ethical bylaws. Of course, I never get caught off my game but I was shocked. I passed the test but my goodness I learned a lesson of always being on your “A” game that’s for sure. Since I passed her test and understood so much, I will now become an orientation brat for the remainder of my internship. I will be presenting numerous topics for coaches and incoming student athletes and dealing with any other orientation assignments that may fly my way. I never thought I would be dipping my hand in anything orientation wise but, cheers anyways.

Memorable Moment
My memorable moment for these past weeks was witnessing and overhearing how hard working the student athletes at SEU are. First off, these students are extremely smart, unlike some athletes I have dealt with; sorry I’m just being honest. All athletes come in with the average SAT of 1200 but also must balance the life of actually working to pay the bills, student life and being an athlete. Scholarship are scarce for Division II and even with the funding they do receive, going to a private school, like SEU, costs a lot of money. What I have come to learn is that Division I athletes just don’t know how great they have it but on the other hand I realize that the reason why there are special services for athletes at DI’s is because they’re not on the high academic level that I have become accustomed to this summer. It’s an interesting spectrum to look at and it has made me re-evaluate what type of institution do I actually want to work for. There’s always something new to learn and this news flash has my mind at a spin.

Mini Updates:
I still want that tattoo but since where I want it is quite visible and I want a job, I’ll just have to be a big girl and hold off☹
Daily all the boys that work in athletics call me nerd. One funny moment occurred this past week where every five minutes someone would drop by and ask to borrow a book from my desk, which has gotten pretty tall since I’ve been doing so much research. I took no offense and thought the first person needed a book but realized soon that it was a joke. I couldn’t stop laughing. I thought it was quite funny and another reason to love athletics. I just love hanging out with the boys.

Weird story:One of the coaches doesn’t eat bread at all, which irks me in a way I can’t explain. She says it in a way that makes you feel guilty, whatevs. How do you live?

Best quote:“Who gone check me boo”. Oh and, “Google me and read my resume”. Holler!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

I've grown....

As I tried to figure out what to focus on for my updates this time around, I started to realize that there was an ongoing theme in my life currently, and it's that I've grown. I have become more mature about the work place environment, the power of making friendships and bonds, the respect one earns not only by what they say but the work they do and how one presents their-self in every waking moment. My experience at my internship has affected my life in a way I couldn't have imagined. For the first time in my life, I feel as though I am completely apart of the department. I feel like one of them. I am not just the intern, the little one behind her desk working away, but I'm considered a professional. My thoughts, feelings, and emotions, are heard and accepted.On the other hand I realize the importance of being a team player, encouraging at all times, helpful when needed and cordial when the opportunity occurs. One example that has helped me learn the power of being open and cordial is back to my candy bowl.

The Candy Bowl
As mentioned in my last post, I have placed a bowl on my counter to force me to get out of my shell and talk. I never thought a simple gesture of filling candy on a weekly basis would open up so many doors. Over candy, I have been offered new opportunities, shared sweet stories (cough cough, some gossip) amongst my co-workers and have built bonds with folks that are seen as unapproachable. One person I have become close with is our Administrative Assistant. Let's just say she doesn't suck like so many do at "you know what university". She's amazing. We share laughs, talk about how Harry Potter is better than Twilight by a large scale(sorry but J.K. Rowling can write her tail off and should give Myers a lesson in not using adjectives to hide her suckness in writing) and why it's ok to be addicted to coffee cause there are so many other things I could be addicted to. Another person I have become even more tight with is Kevin, the student facility assistant. Over candy we talk about sports, me forcing him to become a GA for baseball (he's an ex baseball player at SEU) and where our lives will end up in the future. He's like my Gabe here and I appreciate our daily chats for I need someone to keep me straight with my sports and myself.

Week ahead....
Besides my candy bowl success, this week will be an ultimate test for me. First off we are in the last rope of our interview process for our head basketball coach. It's down to final four and I must say that I'm excited to finally meet the candidates in person. It has been countless weeks, hours, phone interviews and now we get to judge and make our final decision. I look forward to being apart of this final process, getting a hold and better understanding of what are some deciding factors into choosing a candidate and how the AD makes the ultimate decision into who will lead her major sport at SEU. This is a tall order to fill and I'm ready to follow in her footsteps and suck up the entire process.

Beyond all of the meetings that will fill up my schedule, working on my projects for Welcome Week and our Leadership Program, the Compliance Officer will be out all week. This is a tough week to miss since alot of coaches are finishing up their recruiting, are ready to sign players, and deal with any other occurrences with the NCAA Clearing House and Compliance at SEU. Since Melinda will be out at such a tough time, guess who's running compliance, ME. I'm not nervous but just anxious and must make sure to make NO mistakes. Mistakes are not allowed in Compliance. One mistake can lead to a violation and so on. It's alot of pressure but I've been trained, understand what needs to be done and I'm welcoming this experience with open arms since I won't be able to contact Melinda (St. Croix does that to you).

Along with work, I have played a little though. I must give props to the 4th of July weekend. I had an amazing time with alot of my friends, played golf with my grandpa, which was unexpected but a treat (I'm hooked), hung out with my parents while playing a mad game of monopoly with a money pot and lots of swimming (I'm so dark right now) but overall it was amazing and I was glad I was around my true friends and loved ones.

I will end this post with some memorable moments of the week:

1. Singing Carrie Underwood so much in the office, till the Facility Director started singing with me at my desk. I love the people at SEU, we're so tight, such a family, it's nuts:)

2. I was thisclose to getting a tattoo. I think it's going to happen, maybe.....

3. Putting on a dress. Hell has frozen over but it was a special moment. Some things can make the girl in me come out ;)

P.S. I wish I had the skills to pull something like this off, somedays I wish I was living a musical. Blame it on my my theater/show choir elementary through highschool days. Oh to sing and dance for fun again....

Sunday, June 28, 2009

It's been interesting and I am alive actually.

Cause we're the party people night and day, livin crazy that's the only way
So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
And just enjoy yourself
Groove, let the madness in the music get to you
Life aint so bad at all
If you live it off the wall
Life aint so bad at all (live life off the wall)
Live your life off the wall (live it off the wall)

This is a reflection post but also a time for me to remember MJ. I loved this song alot and I feel like I'm living off the wall right now ( I accidentally stole someones basket at Target. I just thought that particular basket was mine since I had placed mine in the same area and was looking for a particular shirt and did not look down when I got back but just took the basket. I'm so off right now, it's not right). I think I made MJ proud with that lol. He will be missed and I will have a little spill at the end but first my life.

I have been suffering from acute sinusitis and still continued to work. I never knew allergies could get so whacked up but here in Austin, our mold, pollen and oak levels are so high, if you have asthma, go somewhere else. You won't make it. I have drugs falling out my bag right now.

Because of being sick, my work output slightly slowed but I was able to find some success along the way, the first being a project campaigning the need for a Campus Rec director. This is something I started working on the 2nd day I was here. I started doing research, benchmarks, and a proposal as to why the position is needed. The information was presented to the VP and then processed and researched further. I was a nervous wreck as we waited and hoped on rather a decision would be made but last Thursday the AD came to my desk. She was very excited and told me how our hard work had got what we wanted, a Campus Rec director. My goodness, I almost collapsed but you all have no idea how understaffed they are and still output top notch work and lead their conference in awards and academic achievement. It's amazing. This position will make life a little better. What I also took from this was that I had no idea how my efforts would affect this department. I don't want any accolades whatsoever, I just want to help and learn daily. Since I proved myself to the AD, she is letting me lead with the next steps of formulating this position, which requires another proposal and paperwork needed to be filled out. I will also get to work on the job posting that will occur on the NCAA's website, and get to deal with some correspondence and possibly sit on the committee for this hire. I just feel absolutely blessed and happy that I'm learning and someone will be able to get a job. That's what counts.

Another occurrence I have encountered is that as you know, I can be seen as distant, quiet, to my self, and not too deep into the party but what I have learned in athletics is that this doesn't work. Everyone is tight and close, so you have to show yourself friendly and not cocky. I'm certainly not cocky but I struggle with opening up to people I don't know. SO what I have done is placed a bowl of candy on my desk filled with whatever the candy of the week is that I want. I'll have to take a pic so you can understand but the way my desk is set up, it's at the front so everyone passes it and I have a countertop. Everyone stops by it, so I strike up conversations while people take candy, that way, I meet someone new and force myself to talk. It has worked! I know all the coaches, most players, parents, friends, campers, husbands and wives. I think I will have candy in my first office one day.

I wanted to update about the coaching vacancy committee that I have been able to sit in on. We are holding alot of phone interviews and it's interesting to view the process on the other end. I hate phone interviews but I left away with lots of dont's that's for sure. It was interesting to see how the committee reacts when an interviewee is talking. I swear their eyes would roll when you talked too Southern (thankfully I'm not that bad), did a count off with how many ummm and what nots, and sighed at long drawn out answers. What I learned from this is that I need to continue to practice and am so glad I am learning now about how to do better with interviews. I also noticed how every time a young candidate came up, it was like a strike was already against them. This made me nervous and I must say I left these interviews with doubts about my career. I worry if I'll have enough skills and have a school trust me enough to hire me. I am now literally a little unsure almost, since that's all I heard was they're too young, they need seasoning. Now of course this is coaching but then again, will this be the case for me? I don't really know but I didn't like how I felt after these sessions, and uncertainty has creeped into my brain. :(

On a slight brighter note, I did get to meet most of the staff of student life at our Welcome Week meeting. They are so nice, cordial and professional. Very refreshing to see from such an entity. I learned alot, made numerous contacts and can't wait to present our part of Welcome Week, which I will be working on. Oh snap I forgot to mention that. So since the intramural unit is in need of a welcome event, I came up with an 80's themed recess night, that will be hosted after SEU's soccer game. It will include Res Hall wars, student orgs. and just students who want to be apart of this event, no discrimination lol. I hate that I will put so much work into this project and not see it in action. If you know me, I LOVE THE 80's and it will be a great time for all. I'm working with alot of campus divisions and I pray that it goes off well. I just can't stand the fact that I won't be there to experience it or see my AD in 80's garb. More details of that in the future.

My MJ spill
It seems like yesterday, I was 4, thriller would come on and even though I freaked out every time MJ turned into a a werewolf, I still would watch. I was so afraid of that video and finally got over it when I was 10. I still get chills but I know he'll be human again, that's what I would always say. MJ was amazing!!! I have a song for the most random life events and loved when my dad would play all of his mj records in the summer. The windows would breathe a soft breeze and dirty diana or rock with you, live versions at that, would play throughout the house. There's something about vinyl records and how they could fill up your home and soul better than any cd. By the time the record would end, I was dreaming sweet dreams and loving the moment. I want those days back and I can only thank MJ's music for making life fun, expressive and unique. R.I.P.
How is MJ related to my reflection, well when I get overworked I think about his song "Working day and night" listed below.

You Got Me Workin' Day And Night (I Don't Understand It)
And I'll Be Workin'
From Sun Up To Midnight
You Got Me Workin' Workin' Day And Night
(Hold On)
You Got Me Workin' Workin' Day And Night
(I'm So Tired Tired Now)
You Got Me Workin' Workin' Day And Night

Great song. Till I speak again. Be good and be safe:)
Oh and Go USA Soccer. Makes me want to pull out my soccer cleats! Haven't played in over a year and that's not normal:(

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Is there a cure for workaholicism...

Workaholicism is not a real word but it's something that I have made up in my mind as I daily work, work, work, work, work, work, but no time out, no nothing, just work and it's results are showing up and starting to catch up with me all ready but first let's talk about the good stuff.

Alright so this week was filled with a continuance of my duties, some listed from last week and also new additions. The best part about this week for me was sitting down with the AD and Associate AD/Compliance officer, Melinda, fresh from Cali. We began to go over everything I wanted from this experience this summer, so that we can finally send my stuff in to Dr. Bourke. What I loved about this meeting was the opportunity for me to talk about my wants, my needs and also get some expectations from them. One of my main priorities is to be evaluated and to have a voice and role in athletics. Well I opened my mouth and got what I wanted that’s for sure.

After some ideas were aligned, my boss spoke about me having an active role and that could begin with student athlete orientations and me doing presentations on numerous topics that would need to be presented to them before they started their year off. Also I will work on a curriculum and game plan that can be used in the leadership program that I would like to start for upperclassmen student athletes. Since a lot of coaches are extremely busy with camps, I have picked up some of their projects as well. I just can’t believe they trust me and so fast. I must say that no they are not dumping all their work on me, I’m just swooping in and letting them know that I want a thorough experience and I can’t learn without working. I guess I have proven myself for they have heard me and still trust me with so much, so fast. Kanye would say that’s amazing. One new project I have received is to basically come up with a design and information to be placed in the new academic planners for athletes. Alas my mentoring and tutoring skills come along. I don’t know how many times I beg my kiddos to bring those bad boys and now I’m making one myself, like this is so cool for me. Furthermore, since we have a head coach vacancy in basketball, I will get to work with the search committee and let’s just say it’s a tedious process and because of NCAA regulations, I can’t say much else. I will also have the opportunity to work with compliance, learn and use the compliance system software that advisors at big time programs use, do National Letters of Intent and also formulate contracts and financial aid packages. I don’t know if it’s me but I’m slowly but surely am gaining pivotal skills and I’m too pumped.

Along with other assignments, I won’t bore you about them lol, I had two great moments this week. One was meeting with some Student Life staff on how we can collaborate during Welcome week at the beginning of the next school year. What I have learned is that for some reason, smaller schools really know how to use their resources and work well with numerous campus entities. EVERYONE knows EVERYBODY. The staff members were extremely opened to my ideas of actually having some events that can include residential, student life, intramurals and athletics as a whole. They were so excited about this opportunity and I also picked up on a cool way of how to help freshman learn to get involve. They literally have an org eHarmony type of deal that actually matches students up to what they like to do after completing an online survey. That cracked me up but I was like how cool. Anywho that’s a new assignment I’ll be working on, while meeting new people and getting this project rolling. Also I may end up working with the main student athletics rally organization (Hillraisers) this summer so that we can have all the support needed to be a success in Welcome Week. I mean these people trust me lol.

Ok so the other moment came after our meeting where my boss just wanted to let me know how I had been doing. According to her, and yes I have played this in my mind a million times, that I was a breath of fresh air. She basically thought that after the time I’ve been here that I would for sure be a success and has never had an intern know what she was doing, had a masterplan and understood athletics as well as I have and be able to juggle so much with consistency. She basically said she would hire me right now if an opening was available and will definitely keep in contact with me of any future openings at SEU or anywhere else. I sat in silence, literally. I don’t take compliments well, ask any one, and when I hear these things, I really don’t know what to say or do. I was in shock. I mean I believe her I guess. I mean I’m just trying to do my job. Not sure how to take it but I trust her, she is the boss lady and all.

Oh and one more thing. So back to my workaholic issues. I am finally noticing that I have no thing called BALANCE! TADAAAAAA!!!!! I have put my family, friends and myself to the side in order to be successful this summer and everyone is not happy about that. I feel that I have to be overly committed and have no clue how to have a balancing act which is hard to admit since I try to be the best in all I do but I just can’t. I thought if I left my school atmosphere, I would straighten up but I haven’t and I’m working a lot but this is the territory I’m in. I’m so exhausted daily and I worry that I will be 50 years old, tired and working all day with nothing else but my degrees and that’s it. Why do I hear Kanye’s interlude on college dropout playing, sigh. Anyways this is my issue for the summer and I really don’t know what to do. I am noticing the void and it’s bothering me now but I can’t shake off my dreams either. Oh well enough of the soaps, I got work to do. See I can’t even end my blog without saying work, crap!!!!!

P.S. The pic up top is of the seal on campus near the main building and no one is allowed to walk on the seal. As shown in the pic, you walk around the seal. Of course I didn't know that when I was touring the campus over Spring Break and almost got clothes-lined by boss when my foot almost touch the edge. I know the deal, won't see me attempt to get stoned on campus.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I said I would update when I could...

Ok this is not internship related. So I got a text this morning to check the front page of huffington post. I'm like why? Well turns out my high school is on the front page. Seems like they're the number one public high school in America once again. Holler!!! I'm such a proud alumni. That school was hell on earth but the results have followed me throughout college and success continues!!! Good things do come out of dallas and I pray that the school continues to get funded decently.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Internship Projects-Not all of them but some of the major ones to highlight..

Summer Projects to do list thus far.
The Athletics Director (AD) decided to get me in contact with numerous individuals and each led to proposal ideas and projects
1.Nick Cowell-Head Coach Women Soccer (Student Athlete Handbook)
This was a new spin for me and even though I am aware of the student handbook, I was a little shocked that my boss listened to every word I had to say about becoming further aware of the rules and regulations with D-II athletics. I was anxious for this meeting for I had no clue what was to happen and what was my task. First of all, Nick has the coolest accent ever with a hint of French and some England flair. I know, figure that one out. I also noticed his free spirit nature that he has. He’s very open to my experience and ideas and I love that. During our meeting I learned about the need of updating the student athlete handbook which is to focus on five commitments of being an athlete at SEU and to coordinate such with the Holy Cross ideas of service. I think I’m catholic now. I also will assist with updating the code of conduct. Say what? I had no idea I would be doing some Judicial Affairs work but after our conversation, I will be assisting him in this project, which is due in 4 weeks. I smell a lot of reading but I’m up for the challenge and looking forward to being a baby Alicia☺

Brian Perry-Student Life-Associate Director of Leadership Programs
Yes it is true; I am back with some leadership. The reason for meeting with Brian was to try to grasp how leadership development concepts are made at SEU and what numerous programs are done at SEU that involves SEU athletics. Furthermore, I wanted to throw out some ideas towards the opportunity of implementing a sophomore leadership program for student athletes. All freshman athletes must take a credited leadership course taught by Nick (cool accent). Debbie (AD) mentioned that this would be my major project this summer. She is looking for ways to keep athletes focused past their first year and ways to keep them even further involved and connected with being a leader cross campus wise. Athletes are held more accountable here than my past athletic experiences and both Brian and I agreed if the right program and curriculum is put into place with the right outcome in mind, it could be a success. You will hear more about this monster throughout the summer. I think Brian and I are too excited for the future of this occurrence.

Kim Morgal-Asst. Volleyball Coach and Intramural Coordinator
Intramurals has been apart of my high school and collegiate life, till grad school came, but I have a lot of experience from being a participant to actually working in the office. After doing research before hand of the intramural program at SEU, I can conclude that it needs HELP. First off Kim has no experience with intramurals, for volleyball is her expertise, which she has admitted and will make it tough for her to make this program a success but I believe☺. Furthermore, she’s a busy assistant and recruiter so her time is limited. This is not Kim’s fault for there should be an intramural coordinator that can focus specifically on intramurals but with low funding and not enough time, there’s no one that specifically can help the program get on its feet. Basically, with our meeting and my keen eye, an excel sheet was made of programs to keep, do away with, monetary factors, marketing ideas, prizes to give away, emails sent out to student life in hope of some cross campus contribution and much more. What I learned from this meeting is that I’m glad I’m getting a degree in student affairs. Throughout the whole meeting I was using a student affairs tone that kind of threw a loop at Kim but I explained thoroughly a plan we could do with adding student life into the picture, focusing on the specific student at SEU and ways to get students involved. I am thankful for my one-year background in Student Affairs that’s for sure. This project will take time as well but it will work out, cause I said so.

I have learned thus far from this experience is that your past can always jump back right into your face no matter how far you may have thought it was gone. Everything I’m working on this summer, I have experienced and worked with in more ways than one and for some reason, they’re all coming together and being blown in my face. My boss is always asking is it too much or am I ok, (I haven’t added half the stuff I’m doing, its kind of over the top, which is why I have no life) but I’m ok and I say it with a smile. It may seem that I’m all over the place but I’m not, I’m just making myself marketable. I can basically work in a D-I or deal with a D-II and know how to work numerous program areas in athletics. Basically I can be a two headed athletics and campus recreation monster in a good way. I’m thankful, grateful and enlightened by this challenge. I work for great people, a gorgeous campus (they call it the harry potter campus) and even though SEU is smaller, it’s actually better for me. This quiet, small, 3500 undergrad student campus is making me work harder than any 30-50000 campus has done thus far. That’s saying a lot. Also this will be a weekly blog. I have no time to do daily updates, plus I don’t have the luxury aka time to do so but if I see an opening for a quick check in before the week is up, I will so update this for sure. Enjoy the pics below of the campus. I heart this place and forget I’m at work. It’s so quiet here!